George McConnell, lead guitarist with the rock band Widespread Panic, has moved on to further adventures. - Widespread Panic
Aug 02

George McConnell, lead guitarist with the rock band Widespread Panic, has moved on to further adventures.

When co-founding band member “Mikey” Houser passed away four years ago, McConnell, along with saxophonist Randall Bramblett, joined forces with Widespread Panic, and the band played on.

Longtime friend and producer John Keane has been playing both the pedal steel and electric guitar throughout this recent tour, along with guitarist Sam Holt, founder of the band Outformation, who has been sitting in from time to time. The remainder of Widespread Panic’s summer tour will proceed at full steam.

“Bottom line is there’s still songs to be played, music to make, and that’s what’s going to happen,” singer/guitarist John Bell added. “We’ll miss George a lot. I’m very grateful to him for lending us his talent and friendship these past four years, and we wish him all the best.”


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