Black Lives Matter - Widespread Panic
Black Lives Matter
Jun 16

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter
Black is Beautiful
Our fellow Human Beings
Stand before their fellow Human Beings
“Know us for all the Love, Life, Being and Beauty
That we are”
“See that our Race has been held down in so
Many ways, for centuries, being seen as less than”
The sadness, severity and sincerity of this plea
Will be met with the same understanding
From those who have not lived their experience
Still, these are the pictures
We painted together
White, Black, and all colors in between
May we be the white blank canvas
That a new picture be painted
White, Black, and all colors in between
We are all Sisters and Brothers
There are no Others
Black Lives Matter
Black is Beautiful
Our Fellow Human Beings
Are standing before their fellow Human Beings

Widespread Panic

We stand with our Sisters and Brothers
As we learn their story
And our part in the story
Visit the National Museum of
African American History and Culture


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